
2个州长抨击拜登政府冷酷无情 把中共病毒送到美国各州 侮辱美国人智商【编译】


刘圆编译,拜登批评德州州长阿博特和密西西比州州长里夫斯(Tate Reeves)取消戴口罩的决定是”尼安德特人思维”。介绍,说什么人是尼安德特人思维的意思是,这个人粗鲁又愚蠢。


President Biden said allowing Mississippians to decide how to protect themselves is“neanderthal thinking.”

Mississippians don’t need handlers. As numbers drop, they can assess their choices and listen to experts. I guess I just think we should trust Americans, not insult them.

— Tate Reeves(@tatereeves)March3,2021

德州州长阿博特(Greg Abbott)也抨击拜登,近期在德州南部释放百余名感染中共病毒的非法移民,是尼安德特人思维。


NBC环球拥有的美国西班牙语电视网络《世界电视网新闻调查节目》(Noticias Telemundo Investiga)报道说,拜登政府正在德州南部美墨边境的布朗斯维尔(Brownsville),释放中共病毒阳性非法移民,移民们随后聚集在长途汽车站,准备在当地政府的病毒测试之后,前往美国各地。即使检测的结果呈阳性,德州的当地政府也没有权力拘留他们,这些非法移民会携带病毒到美国各地传播。



The Biden Administration is recklessly releasing hundreds of illegal immigrants who have COVID into Texas communities.

The Biden Admin. must IMMEDIATELY end this callous act that exposes Texans& Americans to COVID.

— Greg Abbott(@GregAbbott_TX)March3,2021




Gov.@GregAbbott_TX responds to@JoeBiden’s”neanderthal” comments.

“The Biden administration was releasing illegal immigrants into our communities who had COVID.

The Biden administration was spreading COVID in South Texas yesterday.”pic.twitter.com/sdDiZsd8p9

— Washington Examiner(@dcexaminer)March4,2021

阿博特州长对 CNBC表示,”拜登在德州南部释放的移民,让德州人接触到中共病毒,某些移民还登上的长途汽车,把中共病毒带到了美国各州。“

“The Biden administration must stop importing Covid into our country, that is a Neanderthal approach,”@GregAbbott_TX says. He explains why lifting restrictions might seem like a big deal to people in New York, but”it’s not that transformative.”https://t.co/ophUkI79Glpic.twitter.com/stPC615hlq

— CNBC(@CNBC)March4,2021


Gov. Abbott Slams Biden for Spreading COVID by Releasing Infected Migrants into Texas
