
习近平1989年旧文重见天日 引各界热议



《华盛顿邮报》驻华记者窦伊文(Eva Dou)周三(10月5日)在推特上分享了她不久前发现的一篇习近平所作文章。


On the dusty shelves of a Fujian library
this summer, I came across an essay written by a young Xi Jinping
soon after the bloody Tiananmen crackdown in 1989. It was a hint of
how the first serious crisis of his career may have informed his
worldview. (1/x) pic.twitter.com/9nUKMOKeAz

— Eva Dou (@evadou)
October 5, 2022






Xi takes pains to say artists must be
allowed some measure of creative freedom. Or else, he says, it will
be like the slogans of the Great Leap Forward: “false, big, empty.”
His speeches and writings back then are more conciliatory, but
ultimately back the party’s control. (7/x) pic.twitter.com/CSh5Re7b4u

— Eva Dou (@evadou)
October 5, 2022





Fascinating thread. Xi Jinping has been in
power long enough, and his official story so tightly managed, it’s
rare to uncover a new piece of the puzzle like this https://t.co/Cdjfta5zFc

— Josh Chin (@joshchin)
October 5, 2022

“这是一篇非常八股的党文,但依然有着80年代改革主题的味道,” 《纽约时报》专栏作家袁莉认为。



What a great find! It’s very much an
eight-legged party essay but still has a whiff of the 80s reform
theme. Very I nteresting https://t.co/DdTJeU8biO

— Li Yuan (@LiYuan6)
October 5, 2022

习近平对文艺的态度让新加坡管理大学法学教授高树超(Henry Gao)感到有些好笑。





How ironic given that his own father was
framed as anti-Party using a novel. https://t.co/s6gmYwBa3k pic.twitter.com/xeM3QFkwjd

— Henry Gao (@henrysgao)
October 5, 2022


“不得不说习的党控制一切的看法一直没变过,也和邓小平对六四的看法相吻合,”美国国家亚洲研究局(National Bureau of
Asian Research)高级研究员娜德基·罗兰(Nadege Rolland)写道。



Can’t say Xi is not consistent in his views
of Party control above all. Aligns with Deng’s view too after
On another but related subject, isn’t it high time to create an
openly accessible repository for these types of rare but important
documents? https://t.co/geKoDp7fEQ

— Nadège Rolland (@RollandNadege)
October 5, 2022





This reminds me of the Soviet approach to
the arts and literature which led many years, with a few
exceptions, of almost no art of quality. We are witnessing the same
arid landscape today in China https://t.co/OqJ8tN3x3W

— Gangsta Balding 大老板 (@BaldingsWorld)
October 5, 2022

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